
Benefit Design Comparisons & Benchmarking
Contract Language Review &Revision
Rate Comparisons & Benchmarking
Employee Contribution Evaluation & Benchmarking
Provider Network Analysis
Outcome Evaluation & Benchmarking


Initial & Ongoing Enrollment
Employee Communication Strategies
Billing & Eligibility Audits & Corrections
Claims Reviews & Appeals
Daily Customer Service Assistance
Out-of Network Discount Negotiations
Customer Service Call Center
Employee Communication Strategies
5500 Filing Assistance
Human Resource Benefit Updates
Wellness Program Development & Integration
Long Term Planning


Business & Estate Planning
Retirement Planning
Property & Casualty Services

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Insured Benefit Plans

A Partner in helping manage benefits for your Firm most important assets, your people.

Our company is one of the premier Leaders in the Insured Benefit Plans industry specializing in building solutions that are customized to meet your business needs with focus on reduction of expenditures and employee satisfaction. We strive to identify innovative and affordable packages for employers and assist their employees obtain the best coverage possible.


we offer


Unwavering Commitment.

For our staff to provide superior customer service and deliver expert advice and accurate information related to all the Federal and State Regulations.